Related Sessions
Thursday, November 5 2020 | 22:00 PM EST
No Bad Ideas, Designing and Pitching Your Most Unique Trip!
This fun, interactive session led by Atlas Obscura will focus on helping tour guides develop their own unique tour product possibilities!
Thursday, November 5 2020 | 21:30 PM EST
The Art Of Positioning, Using Your Unique Selling Proposition To Stand Out & Sell Tours
Sometimes you really can be too close to your brand. Learn how to step back and gain insight on what makes your product different…. And more importantly, why potential visitors…
Thursday, November 5 2020 | 21:30 PM EST
Tracking & Predicting Demand, Search Trends and Other Techniques
See what Google Search Trends can show you about the state of demand for tourism. We'll also chat about other ways you and other operators are gauging consumer demand. Presented…
Tuesday, November 3 2020 | 00:00 AM
Marketing on a Limited Budget
We are all working with limited budgets right now, but that doesn't mean we can afford to stop marketing. We need to keep our brand alive and stay top of…
Tuesday, November 3 2020 | 00:00 AM
Generating Direct Sales from Influencers
This Buzz Session focuses on lead gen tactics and how to work directly with digital content creators, implementing best practices to generate direct sales and brand awareness.
Tuesday, November 3 2020 | 00:00 AM
Google MyBusiness Takedown – Live Audits of Your Listings with Tourism Solved
In this workshop, the digital marketing experts from Tourism Solved review actual tour and activity operator profiles on Google MyBusiness. They’ll provide direct, actionable feedback and plenty of do’s and…
Tuesday, November 3 2020 | 00:00 AM
Connecting with Travelers: How, When and Why
Do you connect with your travelers often enough and at the right times using the right systems? Are you using email, text, Whatsapp, etc.? What works best? What about when…
Tuesday, November 3 2020 | 00:00 AM
Optimizing Digital for Multi-Location / Multi-Attraction Operators
Multi-Location brands have many opportunities to increase revenue and loyalty, how do you manage the complexity? We will topics including one website vs. many, booking flow optimizations, combo packages and…
Tuesday, November 3 2020 | 00:00 AM
Creating an Integrated Strategy for Private Tours
Customers are searching for private tour options more than ever before. Join us in this roundtable to discuss how to effectively promote these new offerings! What are your biggest challenges…
Tuesday, November 3 2020 | 00:00 AM
Converting Local Traffic in the Age of Covid
Since Covid - 19 does not yet have an expiration date, how do we adapt and overcome the challenges it brings to our industry? With a focus on appealing to…