Roundtable: Reservations Tech in a Post-Covid World
04/16/2020 5:00 PM CET
Roundtable: Reservations Tech in a Post-Covid World
Thursday, 16 April 2020, 11am EST, 17:00 CET, 18:00 Athens
Presenters: Maria Aivalioti, COO, Travelotopos
Hjalti Baldursson, CEO, Bokun
Scott Zimmerman, CEO, Xola
Kory Fawcett, CEO, Zaui Software
Moderator: Douglas Quinby, CEO, Arival
The rapid growth and adoption of reservation systems have made tech accessible to even the smallest operators and brought much of our industry online. Indeed, res tech has been an essential service, a utility, for our industry. What role can they play during this crisis? How can they help operators in the recovery? And how will the challenges of 2020 change the technology landscape for our industry? We’ll dive in and pull no punches as we talk tech and what it means for your business with leadership from four reservation systems.