About Me
Eric founded Open Doors Organization (ODO) in 2000 with a mission on making goods and services accessible to people with disabilities in travel, tourism and transportation. He has achieved this mission by working with dozens of the largest to smallest travel related companies. ODO works with over 60 carriers and 50 airports globally. He also works with Uber and Lyft on accessible ride share solutions and certain Hilton, Choice and Marriott properties.
Eric was named a member of the TSA ASAC (Aviation Security Advisory Committee) and is also a member of the following advisory committees, airports (PIT, SEA, MSP and ATL), United and Alaska Airlines, Royal Caribbean and Uber. He and ODO’s research is often quoted in NY Times, USA Today, dozens of others and most recently PBS. He speaks often at travel related conferences and meetings on access and inclusion.
Has Spoken At
Wednesday, October 12 2022 | 11:30 AM PDT*
What is Accessible Travel
The world's largest minority group is people with a physical or intellectual disability, estimated by the World Health Organization to be 15% of the overall population. Accessible tourism practices ensure destinations,…